Hi Team, I am using Apache Drill JDBC project.I built Drill client 1.17 with Netty version 4.1.50.Final. There are some breaking changes because of Netty upgrade and I need to make changes in the below files:- 1.) common\src\main\java\org\apache\drill\common\collections\MapWithOrdinal.java 2.) drill\exec\java-exec\src\main\java\org\apache\drill\exec\record\DeadBuf.java 3.) drill\exec\memory\base\src\main\java\io\netty\buffer\DrillBuf.java 4.) drill\exec\memory\base\src\main\java\io\netty\buffer\MutableWrappedByteBuf.java5.) drill\exec\memory\base\src\main\java\org\apache\drill\exec\memory\DrillByteBufAllocator.java All these files got some newly overridden methods. (Changes are on my local machine) ISSUE:With newly built jars SSL connection is not working and throwing below errors: (plain auth without SSL is working)Connecting to the server timed out. This is sometimes due to a mismatch in the SSL configuration between client and server. [ Exception: Waited 10000 milliseconds for org.apache.drill.shaded.guava.com.google.common.util.concurrent.SettableFuture@6ea2bc93[status=PENDING]] Exception: Waited 10000 milliseconds for org.apache.drill.shaded.guava.com.google.common.util.concurrent.SettableFuture@6ea2bc93[status=PENDING] - This particular Exception is coming from AbstractFuture.java (drill-shaded-guava-23.0.jar). Attaching the image for reference.
Can I get some suggestions on this issue and could you tell me whether the issue is in the drill-shaded-guava side that can probably be fixed in Drill client 1.18 (As drill client 1.18 drill-shaded-guava has been upgraded to 28.2-jre). NOTE: I have tested the SSL configuration on the connection string and server-side. They are correct.'Looking for some help. Thanks & Regards,Alka Kumari