After the merger of #2540 <>, I'm not currently aware of any more open problems but if you do encounter one just shout.

On 2022/05/07 09:27, James Turton wrote:
Hi Devs

DRILL-8155 seeks to expand the authentication modes supported by Drill plugins, adding features similar to what may be found in Trino while not distorting the behaviour of the plugin registry. It's a tricky area which we sought to subdivide leading to the merging of #2516 [1] on 27 April after a clean CI run and a normal review. Unfortunately we nevertheless introduced some bugs in the process and currently the POSTing a new storage config to the REST API is broken. There may also be other problems. In short, my messages are these.

1. While normal Drill usage generally works fine, please avoid the HEAD of the master branch for anything except development work for now. 2. Sorry about the inconvenience, we're working to get things ship shape again as quickly as possible. 3. Work on a 1.20.1 branch has begun and stable way to obtain bug fixes will hopefully arrive soon.
4. Contacts for DRILL-8155 are Charles and me.



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