Hello all, 
I hope everyone is having a great holiday season.  I'd like to officially start 
the discussion around Drill 1.21 release.  Target date for a release candidate 
would be mid-January, but there's an external dependency on Calcite, so we'll 

There is some work pending which I think we should definitely include in the 
next release which are:

Upgrade to Calcite 1.33.  (Note: Calcite hasn't released this yet, but likely 
will around the beginning of the year and we do not anticipate major 
modifications will be necessary to Drill to support this)
DRILL-8376: Distribution UDFs
DRILL-8372 Unfreed Buffers in Text Reader
DRILL-8290: Shortcut recursive file listings
DRILL-4232: Support for Except and Intersect Set Operators
DRILL-8188: HDF5 to EVF2.  (Not sure if @luoc is still working on this, but the 
PR hasn't been touched in a while and this is one of the last EVF1 format 
DRILL-8375: Incomplete support for non-projected complex vectors (Paul Rogers 
created a JIRA for this, but we don't have a PR yet, so I don't know if this 
will make it or not)

Are there other issues or PRs that anyone would like to see included in the 
next Drill release?  This is not a call to close the release, but just to start 
taking inventory on what we'd like to wrap up for the next release.

Thanks everyone and Happy New Year!
-- C

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