I'll add some heresy here... IMHO, for the purposes of developing a DFDL 
extension, you probably don't need all the Drill tests to run.  For your 
project, my suggestion would be to add a module to the contrib package and that 
way your changes are relatively self contained.  
-- C

> On Jul 13, 2023, at 10:27 AM, James Turton <dz...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi Mike
> Here's the command line I use to run tests on a machine that's not in the UTC 
> time zone (plus some unrelated memory size arguments).
> mvn test -Djunit.args="-Duser.timezone=UTC -Duser.language=en 
> -Duser.region=US" -DmemoryMb=2560 -DdirectMemoryMb=2560
> I have one other question to add to Paul's comments - does the OS user that 
> you're running Maven under have write access to all of the source tree that 
> you put at /opt/drill?
> On 2023/07/11 22:12, Paul Rogers wrote:
>> Hi Mike,
>> A quick glance at the log suggests a failure in the tests for the JSON
>> reader, in the Mongo extended types. Drill's date/time support has
>> historically been fragile. Some tests only work if your machine is set to
>> use the UTC time zone (or Java is told to pretend that the time is UTC.)
>> The Mongo types test failure seems to be around a date/time test so maybe
>> this is the issue?
>> There are also failures indicating that the Drillbit (Drill server) died.
>> Not sure how this can happen, as tests run Drill embedded (or used to.)
>> Looking earlier in the logs, it seems that the Drillbit didn't start due to
>> UDF (user-defined function) failures:
>> Found duplicated function in drill-custom-lower.jar:
>> custom_lower(VARCHAR-REQUIRED)
>> Found duplicated function in built-in: lower(VARCHAR-REQUIRED)
>> Not sure how this could occur: it should have failed in all builds.
>> Also:
>> File
>> /opt/drill/exec/java-exec/target/org.apache.drill.exec.udf.dynamic.TestDynamicUDFSupport/home/drill/happy/udf/staging/drill-custom-lower-sources.jar
>> does not exist on file system file:///
>> This is complaining that Drill needs the source code (not just class file)
>> for its built-in functions. Again, this should not fail in a standard
>> build, because if it did, it would fail in all builds.
>> There are other odd errors as well.
>> Perhaps we should ask: is this a "stock" build? Check out Drill and run
>> tests? Or, have you already started making changes for your project?
>> - Paul
>> On Tue, Jul 11, 2023 at 9:07 AM Mike Beckerle <mbecke...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> I have drill building and running its tests. Some tests fail: [ERROR]
>>> Tests run: 4366, Failures: 2, Errors: 1, Skipped: 133
>>> I am wondering if there is perhaps some setup step that I missed in the
>>> instructions.
>>> I have attached the output from the 'mvn clean install -DskipTests=false'
>>> execution. (zipped)
>>> I am running on Ubuntu 20.04, definitely have Java 8 setup.
>>> I'm hoping someone can skim it and spot the issue(s).
>>> Thanks for any help
>>> Mike Beckerle
>>> Apache Daffodil PMC | daffodil.apache.org
>>> OGF DFDL Workgroup Co-Chair | www.ogf.org/ogf/doku.php/standards/dfdl/dfdl
>>> Owl Cyber Defense | www.owlcyberdefense.com

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