I'm using Apache Daffodil in the mode where it outputs JSON data. (For the
moment, until we build a tighter integration. This is my conceptual test
framework for that integration.)

I have parsed data to create this JSON which represents 2-level nested
repeating subrecords.

All the simple fields are int.

[{"a":1,  "b":2,  "c":[{"d":3,  "e":4,  "f":[{"g":5,  "h":6 },
                                             {"g":7,  "h":8 }]},
                       {"d":9,  "e":10, "f":[{"g":11, "h":12},
                                             {"g":13, "h":14}]}]},
 {"a":21, "b":22, "c":[{"d":23, "e":24, "f":[{"g":25, "h":26 },
                                             {"g":27, "h":28 }]},
                       {"d":29, "e":30, "f":[{"g":31, "h":32},
                                             {"g":33, "h":34}]}]}]

So, the top level is a vector of maps,
within that, field "c" is a vector of maps,
and within "c" is a field f which is a vector of maps.

The reason I created this is I'm trying to understand the arrays and how
they work with Drill SQL.

I'm trying to figure out how to get this rowset of 3 rows from a query, and
I'm stumped.

  a   b   d   e   g   h
( 1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6)
( 1,  2,  9, 10, 13, 14)
(21, 22, 29, 30, 33, 34)

This is the SQL that is my conceptual framework, but I'm sure it won't work.

SELECT a, b, c.d AS d, c.e AS e, c.f.g AS g, c.f.h AS h
FROM ... the json file...
WHERE g mod 10 == 3 OR g == 5

But I know it's not going to be that easy to get the query to traverse the
vector inside the vector.

>From the doc, the FLATTEN operator seems to be needed, but I can't really
figure it out.

This is what all my data is like. Trees of nested vectors of sub-records.

Can anyone advise on what the SQL might look like, or where there's an
example doing something like this I can learn from?

Thanks for any help

Mike Beckerle
Apache Daffodil PMC | daffodil.apache.org
OGF DFDL Workgroup Co-Chair | www.ogf.org/ogf/doku.php/standards/dfdl/dfdl
Owl Cyber Defense | www.owlcyberdefense.com

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