Hi All,

Happy New Year!

I dusted off the work to add non-projection support in EVF for the UNION
and LIST types. I believe that only REPEATED LIST is missing.

"Non-projection support" just means that you can read a JSON file that
requires a UNION or LIST vector, and tell EVF to NOT actually project that
vector. That is, if the union column is u and the list is l, and you have
other columns a, b, c, you can write "SELECT a, b, c FROM 'myFile.json'".
JSON wil read all columns, but EVF won't actually create vectors for the
columns u and l that you didn't want.

If you write a format plugin, your code can write to the "dummy" UNION
column writer, blissfully ignorant of the fact that there is no actual
vector underneath: the data just goes into the bit bucket.

The work mostly required fiddling with existing mechanisms. A new test file
demonstrates that the changes work. All the existing tests suggest that the
work didn't break anything.

Reviews greatly appreciated. https://github.com/apache/drill/pull/2867

It would be great to get this into the next release, but doing so isn't
critical, unless Luoc still needs this work.


- Paul

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