Hi Paul,

Thanks for your comments.

I wasn’t aware that the Web UI doesn’t have sessions; when setting the option 
at the system
level the Web UI behaves as expected.

I’ll go ahead and create a pull request within the next few days.


> On 22 Jan 2024, at 21:40, Paul Rogers <par0...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> It sounds like you are on the right track: the new option is the quick
> short-term solution. The best long-term solution is to generalize Drill's
> date/time type, but that would take much more work. (Drill also has a bug
> where the treatment of timezones is incorrect, which forces Drill to run in
> the UTC time zone -- something that will also require difficult work.)
> Given that JDBC works, the problem must be in the web interface, not in
> your Parquet implementation. You've solved the problem with a new session
> option. The web interface, however, has no sessions: if you set an option
> in one call, and do your query in another, Drill will have "forgotten" your
> option. Instead, there is a way to attach options to each query. Are you
> using that feature?
> As I recall, the JSON message to submit a query has an additional field to
> hold session options. I do not recall, however, if the web UI added that
> feature. Does anyone else know? Two workarounds. First, use your favorite
> JSON request tool to submit a query with the option set. Second, set your
> option as a system option so it is available to all sessions: ALTER SYSTEM
> SET...
> Thanks,
> - Paul
> On Mon, Jan 22, 2024 at 1:38 AM Peter Franzen <pe...@myire.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am using Drill to query Parquet files that have fields of type
>> timestamp_micros. By default, Drill truncates those microsecond
>> values to milliseconds when reading the Parquet files in order to convert
>> them to SQL timestamps.
>> In some of my use cases I need to read the original microsecond values (as
>> 64-bit values, not SQL timestamps) through Drill, but
>> this doesn’t seem to be possible (unless I’ve missed something).
>> I have explored a possible solution to this, and would like to run it by
>> some developers more experienced with the Drill code base
>> before I create a pull request.
>> My idea is to add tow options similar to
>> “store.parquet.reader.int96_as_timestamp" to control whether or not
>> microsecond
>> times and timestamps are truncated to milliseconds. These options would be
>> added to “org.apache.drill.exec.ExecConstants" and
>> "org.apache.drill.exec.server.options.SystemOptionManager", and to
>> drill-module.conf:
>>    store.parquet.reader.time_micros_as_int64: false,
>>    store.parquet.reader.timestamp_micros_as_int64: false,
>> These options would then be used in the same places as
>> “store.parquet.reader.int96_as_timestamp”:
>> org.apache.drill.exec.store.parquet.columnreaders.ColumnReaderFactory
>> org.apache.drill.exec.store.parquet.columnreaders.ParquetToDrillTypeConverter
>> org.apache.drill.exec.store.parquet2.DrillParquetGroupConverter
>> to create an int64 reader instead of a time/timestamp reader when the
>> correspodning option is set to true.
>> In addition to this,
>> “org.apache.drill.exec.store.parquet.metadata.FileMetadataCollector” must
>> be altered to _not_ truncate the min and max
>> values for time_micros/timestamp_micros if the corresponding option is
>> true. This class doesn’t have a reference to an OptionManager, so
>> my guess is that the two new options must be extractred from the
>> OptionManager when the ParquetReaderConfig instance is created.
>> Filtering on microsecond columns would be done using 64-bit values rather
>> than TIME/TIMESTAMP values, e.g.
>> select *  from <file> where <timestamp_micros_column> = 1705914906694751;
>> I’ve tested the solution outlined above, and it seems to work when using
>> sqlline and with the JDBC driver, but not with the web based interface.
>> Any pointers to the relevent code for that would be appreciated.
>> An alternative solution to the above could be to intercept all reading of
>> the Parquet schemas and modifying the schema to report the
>> microsecond columns as int64 columns, i.e. to completely discard the
>> information that the columns contain time/timestamp values.
>> This could potentially make parts of the code where it is not obvious that
>> the time/timestamp properties of columns are used behave
>> as expected. However, this variant would not align with how INT96
>> timestamps are handled.
>> Any thoughts on this idea for how to access microsecond values would be
>> highly appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> /Peter

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