Hi Will,

Check out also this thread for related discussion:


On Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 11:21 AM Will Lauer <wla...@oath.com.invalid> wrote:

> A colleague recently pointed out to me that all the sketch operations that
> take place in SketchAggregator (in the datasketches module) use a
> SychronizedUnion class that basically wraps a normal sketch Union and
> synchronizes all operations. From what I can tell with other aggregators in
> the Druid code base, there doesn't appear to be a need to synchronize. It
> looks like Aggregators are always processed from within a single thread. Is
> it reasonable to remove all the syncrhonizations from the SketchAggregator
> and avoid the performance hit that they impose at runtime?
> Will
> Will Lauer
> Senior Principal Architect
> Progress requires pain
> m: 508.561.6427
> o: 217.255.4262

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