Apart from code review friction, I think there is another important
(ultimately, more important) problem/goal for the long term project success
which cannot be discussed separately: keeping the codebase highly
maintainable. I'm a Druid developer for about 2.5 years, and I definitely
feel that making changes is more difficult than it was 2.5 years ago. It
means that the codebase is aging not very well. The project is on the blue,
not orange trajectory here:

So, regarding the part of Gian's proposal that is essentially saying "let's
lower review standards": I think the current quality of contributions is
not high enough. If we lower the review standards, as it currently goes,
the contribution quality will drop, too. The project may end up with a
great community but not being able to match the innovation pace happening
in similar other projects.

To discuss how we can make the quality of contributions higher, let's first
note that there are two types of contributions:
 - "Internal": contributions by regular contributors. Developing Druid is a
large part of their day job at their companies. I think currently it's
about 80% of all contributions, the majority of that is from employees of
 - "External": by people who are not regular contributors. Developing Druid
is usually not part of their job.

The good news is that since the majority of contributions are coming from
the employees of companies which have a stake in the Druid's success, there
is a way to increase the quality of contributions _and_ reduce the code
review friction: ask the regular contributors to "do the right thing".

One concrete example: code style comments. Personally, I leave a lot of
comments about violations of the Druid's code style. However, I very rarely
leave such comments on Gian's PRs because he is one of the people who
created the style and follows it. So the way to reduce the friction from
such comments is to ask regular contributors to learn and follow that style
themselves. This way the number of such comments will reduce drastically,
simply because there would be nothing to comment about.

I think "the right thing" for regular contributors can be boiled down to
the following:

1. Self-review the PR before publishing, according to a set of standards
and carefully chosen self-ask questions (checklist items).

2. Communicate in PR reviews *proactively*:
   - Both the author and reviewers proactively make the life of other
parties easier, regardless of whether the other party did make their life
easy in the PR or not:
       - The author makes the description of the PR elaborate, yet
highlights changed/added APIs, important changes, design considerations,
etc. (Both Gian and Slim have mentioned that.)
       - A reviewer provides the author with necessary information about
their comments: links, etc. A reviewer doesn't ask rhetoric questions (but:
asks real questions, if they have some).
   - If a reviewer asks questions about the change because they don't
understand something about the code, the author proactively adds comments
to the code or restructures the code so that that the reviewer wouldn't
have that question in the first place.
   - If a reviewer points to some problem, the author proactively searches
for all similar problems in your PR and fix them, without waiting for a
reviewer to find them for you.
   - If either the author or a reviewer notices some side problem during
the discussion, they proactively create an issue about that problem
themselves, not waiting for the other party to do that.
   - If either the author or a reviewer discovers something new for
themselves during the discussion, they proactively internalize that new
knowledge, so that it becomes the part of their knowledge, and they will
share that knowledge with somebody else during a different PR review
discussion if needed. This knowledge may be about the code style, the
programming practice, some specific knowledge about the project. Note1: the
concrete example of code style comments from above falls down here. Note2:
if the discovered knowledge about the code style or the programming
practice is not part of the standards, it should be added there. Note3: the
specific knowledge about the project should be put somewhere in the
comments in the code itself and linked from all the places where it is also

3. Regularly review other people's PRs, don't just publish your code. Gian
have mentioned this. Addition from me: review PRs by people from not your
org regularly.

4. Regularly dedicate time to do a PR that increases automation of the
project, for example:
    - Automate something about the CI or testing
    - Add a static analysis (IntelliJ) check
    - Add a Checkstyle check

Gian mentioned the need to increase automation, but without committing to
regular practice by all regular contributors, I'm afraid it will remain

5. Regularly dedicate time to do a PR that is devoted specifically to
repaying tech dept (yak shaving, refactoring), for example:
    - Refactor one old ugly class
    - Refactor one old ugly method
    - Read some part of the code, absorb information about it, and add
comments to that code which explain how does that code work. Note: in my
opinion, chronic lack of comments, Javadocs to classes, inter-links between
classes/methods, and comments about small statement-level, yet non-obvious
things is one of the major reasons why the codebase ages poorly. I feel
that a significant part of that decrease of programming productivity that I
feel for myself while developing Druid comes from the need to make research
for myself, encountering puzzling code, and poor navigability of the code.
     - Improve documentation of some configuration parameter

Notes about the last three points ("Regularly do X"):
 - A rate of regularity may vary significantly, but there should be some
slice of the time that *every* regular contributor devotes to *every*
mentioned activity, even as little as 1 hour in 2 weeks (about 1% of their
time). Just not zero.
 - At least for myself, I find that the only way to start doing something
regularly is to put it in my calendar, not just promise to do that for

Now, if we (regular contributors) do the above, the reviewing standards for
PRs from non-regular contributors (called "external" above) can be somewhat
lowered, because that is only a small portion of the contributions and we
can tolerate their quality being lower than the quality of "internal"
contributions. We cannot demand non-regular contributors to do what is
described as "the right thing" above.

On Tue, 23 Apr 2019 at 04:43, Gian Merlino <g...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hey Druids,
> Sometimes I feel like this too:
> https://twitter.com/julianhyde/status/1108502471830204416.
> I believe our code review process today has too much friction in it, and
> that we can work to reduce it. The two main frictions I see are code
> reviews not happening in a timely manner, and code reviews sometimes
> descending into a swamp of nit-picks. The good news, at least, is that we
> are not the first development team to have these problems, and that they
> can be solved. I've written some thoughts below about principles that I
> think might help. I am not necessarily proposing making these the law of
> the land, but am hoping to start a discussion about how we can generally
> improve things.
> 1) "Let robots handle style checks." Encode Druid's code style in
> checkstyle or other tools, and avoid making subjective style comments
> directly as humans. If we can't figure out how to set up automated
> verification for a particular style point, then give it up. Rationale:
> authors can self-check style when checking is automated. Also, it's better
> for robots to enforce style, because software development is a social
> endeavor, and people don't mind style nit-picking from robots as much as
> they do from humans.
> 2) "Write down what really matters." I suggest we put together a short,
> highly visible list of things that should be considered commit-blockers for
> patches. Not a list of best practices, but a list of true blockers. "Short"
> is in service of point (3), below. "Highly visible" is so it can act as a
> shared set of values. My suggested list would be correctness of
> implementation, documentation of new or changed functionality, tests for
> reasonably testable functionality, avoidance of excessive additional
> maintenance burden, and avoidance of breaking existing use cases (including
> things that would break clusters that run at large scale, or that would
> break rolling updates). Some of these points are subjective but I think
> it's still a good start. Rationale: authors will know what is expected of
> them, which should generally improve PR quality, and speed up review. Also,
> similar to the previous point: people are generally happy to follow what
> they perceive as community-maintained standards, but not as happy to follow
> what they perceive as the opinion of a single reviewer.
> 3) "Minimize hoop-jumping." We should make an effort to avoid the '74
> one-line emails' problem. Endeavor to make fewer and fewer comments as the
> number of rounds of review of a PR gets higher. Endeavor to keep the number
> of rounds of review from getting too high. Authors can help here by
> explaining their decisions clearly, and by avoiding making large changes in
> their patches after review has started. Reviewers can help by making their
> first review as comprehensive as possible, to avoid the need to bring up
> brand-new points on later rounds of review. Reviewers can also help by
> writing out changes they're asking for explicitly (suggest a new comment,
> doc wording, method name, etc). Reviewers can also help by noting in a
> review comment when a suggestion is just a suggestion -- useful because
> many authors are likely to interpret an unqualified comment as a commit
> blocker. Rationale: the more rounds of review a PR goes through, and the
> more a review feels like a collection of disconnected 1-liner comments, the
> more it makes the original author feel as if he or she is being made to
> jump through hoops. This makes people less likely to contribute in the
> future, and damages efforts to build community.
> 4) "Pitch in on reviews." A relatively small number of committers are doing
> most of the code reviews. These people have limited time, and it means that
> PRs often stay in the review queue for a while without anyone looking at
> them. Any committer can pitch in, and in fact, even non-committers can
> (although their votes are nonbinding, their reviews are still helpful for
> social reasons). So anyone interested in reviewing is encouraged to do so.
> Rationale: improves bandwidth, prevents burning out the small number of
> volunteers that participate in reviews.
> Looking forward to seeing what people in the community think.
> Gian

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