pydruid ( is a project that is not part
of Druid, but is related:

1) Its committers are all also Druid committers.
2) Its community is a subset of the Druid community (assuming pydruid
users/devs are all also Druid users or devs, which seems likely).
3) It's hosted on the no-longer-official-but-was-once-official druid-io
GitHub organization.

I wanted to ask, is there any interest amongst the pydruid dev community in
moving to be an official part of Apache Druid? It would mean moving the
repo over (not too much work), and some process adjustments. From my POV
the dev process (minus how releases are done) is already Apache style, so
the changes to implement would mostly be around release process.

It would be some more overhead than the current process, but would align it
better with Druid itself and potentially, hopefully, make the dev effort
more inclusive to newcomers.

If there's interest, let's make this happen.

If not, the status quo would remain, which is that pydruid is a separate
project that is related to Apache Druid, and happens to have a lot of
committers in common, but isn't officially affiliated and doesn't use an
Apache-style release process.


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