Hi Alaka,

There's a bit of text cut off in the error message. The full one is
something like:

              "Time ordering is not supported for a Scan query with %,d
segments per time chunk and a row limit of %,d. "
              + "Try reducing your query limit below
maxRowsQueuedForOrdering (currently %,d), or using compaction to "
              + "reduce the number of segments per time chunk, or raising
maxSegmentPartitionsOrderedInMemory "
              + "(currently %,d) above the number of segments you have per
time chunk.",

So, in general you could try:

- Reduce the number of segments in each time chunk, perhaps using
compaction (
- Or, increase druid.query.scan.maxSegmentPartitionsOrderedInMemory
- Reduce the limit of your Scan query
- Or, increase druid.query.scan.maxRowsQueuedForOrdering

Note that the "increase" options will lead to more memory usage, so you'd
want to keep an eye on that.

On Tue, May 9, 2023 at 1:03 PM Alaka Thorat <alakatho...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am getting the following  druid error message in Superset.
> Error message: "Error: Resource limit
> exceeded(org.apache.druid.query.ResourseLimitExceededException): Time
> ordering
> is not supported for a Scan Query....
> This happens on one tab with chart set up(in Superset) without server
> pagination & row limit<=100000.
> But when I use a different tab with the same configuration(without
> pagination/row limit=100000), it works.
> However the issue is sorted by "__time" has been removed then also it is
> working again with server pagination=unticked & row limit=300000,
> but there is issue of descending ordering again.
> I am requesting you, What changes I have to do to avoid the above Druid
> error message given by Superset.
> Thanks
> --Alaka

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