On Fri, Mar 16, 2018 at 3:47 AM Yong Zhu <diecui1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, all
> I'm working on this issue:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/DUBBO/issues/DUBBO-7?filter=allopenissues
> I have the below questions:
> 1. Shall we need to change the pom.xml parent to org.apache:apache:19 ? Now
> we use sonatype oss as the central repository.

You don't have to use apache parent pom, however you should expect to build
against our nexus instance instead of sonatype's oss.  If you read through
the new setup instructions, you can follow them pretty closely except use
our nexus instance.

> 2. Shall we need to change all the java package name to org.apache.* ? If
> do this, users will encounter the upgrading problem.

The current package is com.alibaba.dubbo right?  Unfortunately this puts us
into a "you have to rename it" situation.  Including the company name in
the package is a problem for our branding/trademarks.

> 3. Now, our groupId is "com.alibaba", shall we need to change it to
> "org.apache"?

Most projects follow a "org.apache.projectName" naming scheme.  So
org.apache.dubbo would be expected.

> Thanks.
> Yong Zhu.

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