That's great. Welcome to Dubbo community.


On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 10:49 AM, Ian Luo <> wrote:

> Robin,
> It's awesome. We really need dubbo PHP implementation, and now it looks we
> will have one soon :) You can put it in dubbo eco system which's hosted
> under
> Welcome to community.
> Cheers,
> -Ian.
> On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 8:49 PM robinkang(康彬) <>
> wrote:
> > Hello Dubbo community,
> >
> > We hava developed dubbo-php-framework which compatible with dubbo java.
> > This framework include client , server and registry, it is a complete
> > solution for micro-service on php platform,  have running on our product
> > environment for two years more.
> >
> > Now, we would like to donate to Dubbo community, and we have signed SGA
> by
> > following
> > .
> > The source code will be open sourced soon.
> >
> > Tks
> >
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> > lexinfintech, Inc. <>
> >
> >

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