+1 (binding) to hold Shenzhen meetup!

Huxing Zhang <hux...@apache.org> 于2018年7月20日周五 下午3:37写道:

> +1 (binding) to hold Shenzhen meetup!
> On Mon, Jul 16, 2018 at 1:42 PM, Huxing Zhang <hux...@apache.org> wrote:
> > Hi Dubbo PMC,
> >
> > I am requesting the PMC for the approval of holding a half-day meetup
> > in Shenzhen on July 29th (Sunday). The purpose is to build the
> > community and listen to end users.
> >
> > * What is the topic focus of the event?
> > Topics including state of the Dubbo, Dubbo eco-system, and user
> > practices for using Dubbo. Details are listed below.
> >
> > * Who is organising the event
> > PMCs of Apache Dubbo (incubating)
> >
> > * When is the event
> > 2018.7.29 09:00-12:15
> >
> > * How many attendees are expected
> > 200~400
> >
> > * How much PMC involvement is there already
> > PMC are responsible to decide the topics.
> >
> > * Which marks are requested
> > Name of "Apache Dubbo (Incubating)"
> >
> > * How will the event selection work?
> > Topics will be selected by the Dubbo PMC
> >
> > * Is this for profit or non-profit?
> > Non-profit
> >
> > I am following [1] for the procedure.
> >
> > [1] http://community.apache.org/events/small-events.html
> >
> >
> > Below is a detailed agenda for the meetup.
> >
> > ## Date
> >
> > 2018.7.29 09:00-12:15
> >
> > ## Venue
> >
> > No. 16 Gao Xin Nan Qi Dao, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
> > 深圳市南山区高新南七道16深圳空体新媒体实验室有限公司
> >
> > ## Schedule
> >
> > 09:00-10:00 Check-in
> > 10:00-10:45 Apache Dubbo(incubating) Open Source Status and 2.7 Milestone
> > 10:45-11:30 The practice of microservice in Lexin
> > 11:30-12:15 Dubbo Service Mesh Agent with Akka and Netty
> >
> > ## Detailed Description
> >
> > ### Topic
> > Apache Dubbo(incubating) Open Source Status and 2.7 Milestone
> >
> > ### Summary
> > Dubbo is a distributed RPC framework developed by Alibaba, which has been
> > favored by developers since it was opened in 2012 and has been widely
> used
> > in service solutions.
> > Dubbo has caused a lot of discussion in the community since it donated
> > Apache last year. This topic brings you the changes and new features of
> > Dubbo 2.7.
> >
> > ### Speaker
> > Zhixuan Chen(hengyunabc), technical expert of Alibaba, developer of
> Dubbo,
> > MicroServices framework.
> >
> > ---------------------------------
> > ### Topic
> > The practice of microservice in Lexin
> >
> > ### Summary
> > Shares the architecture evolution process from single one php web
> > application to microservice in lexin,  include the 1st generation of
> > pure php microservice,  the 2nd generation of transfering from php to
> > java in core system,  and 3rd generation build now
> >
> > ### Speaker
> > Kang Bin(robinkang), senior architect of Lexin, director of
> > architecture center, led the team to build Lexin's
> > 1st and 2nd generation of architecture of microservice. Currently is
> > also responsible for the 3rd generation architecture build of
> > hybrid cloud and mutlti-active IDC architecture
> >
> > ---------------------------------
> > ### Topic
> > Dubbo Service Mesh Agent with Akka and Netty
> >
> > ### Summary
> > Shares the design idea and coding practice of build a Dubbo Service
> > Mesh Agent with Akka and netty.
> >
> > ### Speaker
> > Huang wenjun(whisperwind), senior developer of Goldlok Edu.
> >
> > Thank Alibaba for sponsoring this event.
> >
> > --
> > Best Regards!
> > Huxing
> --
> Best Regards!
> Huxing

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