Hi, guys,

I suggest setup a meetup in beijing early in 2019.

在 2018-12-04 16:08:35,"王蓉(涂南)" <tunan...@alibaba-inc.com> 写道:

Hi guys,

I'm Amber, organizer of Dubbo meetup.

Since 2018, Dubbo community has been touring around China!
We have been to Beijing, Chengdu, Shenzhen, Shanghai, and Hangzhou.
More than 30K developers have either come to the meetup or watched our live 
streaming videos.
What a wonderful journey!

Now you got to choose where our 2019 first meetup is going to be held!
We're planning to hold another meetup on Jan 19th.
Let us know your thoughts!

Ballot here ‍👉http://sc-meetup.mikecrm.com/7hZFeTl
Deadline for this ballot is Dec.14.

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地址:浙江-杭州-余杭-西溪园区 8-6-S-30
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