very sorry. I have some work now, so I didn't respond to your email in time.
I am very willing to help you with the completion of the comments. If you
are a newbie, I suggest you start with a simple logic.
Which parts of the logic are relatively simple? At present, I think that
our filter-related implementation is relatively simple (such as
ActiveLimitFilter). You don't know the principle of dubbo at all, and you
can understand the code and complete the comments more easily. You can
start with the Filter related class and complete some of the comments.

When you think that you know enough about dubbo, you can do some core
module comments, such as protocol-related comments.

Imteyaz Khan <> 于2018年12月5日周三 下午3:05写道:

> Hi All,
>    Trust you all are doing well. I am new to this community or even new to
> any open source development community. Had a chance to go through one of
> the dubbo github issue #2884('We need more code comments'), which was
> marked as 'good first issue'. So thought it could be a good start for me to
> start from here, but being new to open source and also to dubbo I am very
> nervous from where and how to start. I will be great if team can help me
> and guide me too to assist you in any way I can.
> Regards
> Imteyaz

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