On Wed, Dec 5, 2018 at 8:57 PM 田 小波 <tianxiaobo....@outlook.com> wrote:
> Hi community,
> I noticed that people in the WeChat group said that Dubbo's comments are too 
> few and unfriendly to beginners. I just wrote some source analysis articles 
> about Dubbo in the past. I have a lot of comments and analysis on the Dubbo 
> source in the article. I think these articles can help beginners learn Dubbo. 
> The list of articles is as follows:

Would you please add your comments into Dubbo's source code by sending
pull request?
This can help more people to understand.

> 时间      文章
> 2018-10-01      Dubbo 源码分析 - SPI 
> 机制<https://www.cnblogs.com/nullllun/p/9758682.html>
> 2018-10-13      Dubbo 源码分析 - 
> 自适应拓展原理<https://www.cnblogs.com/nullllun/p/9788319.html>
> 2018-10-31      Dubbo 源码分析 - 
> 服务导出<https://www.cnblogs.com/nullllun/p/9887190.html>
> 2018-11-12      Dubbo 源码分析 - 
> 服务引用<https://www.cnblogs.com/nullllun/p/9950361.html>
> 2018-11-17      Dubbo 源码分析 - 集群容错之 
> Directory<https://www.cnblogs.com/nullllun/p/9980247.html>
> 2018-11-20      Dubbo 源码分析 - 集群容错之 
> Router<https://www.cnblogs.com/nullllun/p/9991413.html>
> 2018-11-24      Dubbo 源码分析 - 集群容错之 
> Cluster<https://www.cnblogs.com/nullllun/p/10018429.html>
> 2018-11-29      Dubbo 源码分析 - 集群容错之 
> LoadBalance<https://www.cnblogs.com/nullllun/p/10041964.html>
> 未完成     Dubbo 源码分析 - 并发模型<https://www.cnblogs.com/nullllun/>
> 未完成     Dubbo 源码分析 - 编解码<https://www.cnblogs.com/nullllun/>
> If you are interested, you can review it. If you feel good, I can submit 
> these articles to dubbo-website. If you feel that writing is not good, you 
> are welcome to give some advice.

Any contribution is welcome, if you could put your articles to Dubbo
website as serial of blog posts, that would be really nice. Or you can
enhance the current documentation with your article.

> 我注意到有人在微信群里说 Dubbo 的注释太少,对初学者不友好。我正好在过去一段时间内写了一些关于 Dubbo 的源码分析文章,我在文章中对 Dubbo 
> 源码进行了大量的注释和分析,我觉得这些文章可以帮助初学者学习 Dubbo。大家如果有兴趣,可以进行 review。如果觉得还不错,我可以将这些文章提交给 
> dubbo-website。如果觉得写的不好,也欢迎多多指教。
> Regards
> Xiaobo
> 在 2018年12月5日,下午1:56,Ian Luo <ian....@gmail.com> 写道:
> What I suggest is to revisit and enhance the existing javadoc/comments
> before consider to add more:
> 1. Enhance JavaDoc for all API. For this part, we may need some helps from
> native speakers
> 2. Revisit the current existing comments, and make it easier to understand
> Just my two cents,
> -Ian.
> On Tue, Dec 4, 2018 at 5:10 PM yuhang xiu <carry...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Recently dubbo held an offline meetup. When discussing with many
> participants, many people have suggested that dubbo has very few comments.
> Comments are very important for us to understand the code. If our comments
> are few, it is very unfriendly for new developers.
> I created a new issue[1] to track this. We need more developers to
> contribute notes. I will continue to follow up on this matter.
> [1] https://github.com/apache/incubator-dubbo/issues/2884

Best Regards!

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