I have checked the following list:
1. Are release files in correct location? *PASS*
2. Do release files have the word incubating in their name? *PASS*
3. Are the digital signature and hashes correct? *PASS*
4. Does DISCLAIMER file exist? *PASS*
5. Do LICENSE and NOTICE files exists? *PASS*
6. Is the LICENSE and NOTICE text correct? *PASS*
7. Is the NOTICE year correct? *PASS*
8. Un-included software dependencies are not mentioned in LICENSE or
9. License information is not mentioned in NOTICE? *PASS*
10. Is there any 3rd party code contained inside the release? If so:
11. Does the software have a compatible license? *PASS*
12. Are all software licenses mentioned in LICENSE? *PASS*
13. Is the full text of the licenses (or pointers to it) in LICENSE?
14. Is any of this code Apache licensed? Do they have NOTICE files? If
so: *PASS*
15. Have relevant parts of those NOTICE files been added to this NOTICE
file? *PASS*
16. Do all source files have ASF headers? *PASS*
17. Do the contents of the release match with what's tagged in version
control? *PASS*
18. Are there any unexpected binary files in the release? *PASS*
19. Can you compile from source? Are the instruction clear? *PASS*
Kind regards,
Mercy Ma
在 2019/3/28 下午2:36, Mercy Ma 写道:
Hello Dubbo Community,
This is a call for the vote to release Apache Dubbo Spring Boot
Project (Incubating) version 2.7.1 (RC2)
The release candidates
The staging repo:
Git tag for the release:
Hash for the release tag:
2.7.0: 01fbe79c71f73f65ae1fa1239f9fba30a8300192
Release Notes:
The artifacts have been signed with Key:
87F025027A831ED2B86E7F08A7F508EFDA68B4F5, which can be found in the
keys file:
The vote will be open for at least 72 hours or until the necessary
number of votes are reached.
Please vote accordingly:
[ ] +1 approve
[ ] +0 no opinion
[ ] -1 disapprove with the reason
The Apache Dubbo (Incubating) Team