Hello everyone,

 I volunteer to take release manager role for 2.7.2 release. This main
feature of 2.7.2 is as follow:

   - Support nacos as register center and config center.
   - Integrate other metrics.
   - Optimize registration way, support to register data by application but
   not single service.
   - Fix some compatible issues with dubbo 2.6.x.

Besides, we also have a quite long list [1] of issues targeted to 2.7.2,
which apparently need to triage to be short enough to meet to code freeze
date, May. 17th. Hopefully we can release 2.7.2 by May. 27th.

Pls. take a look at milestone 2.7.2 [1], and let me know which issues are
must have for this release. We will triage the list soon :)


Best Regard!

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