Hello Dubbo/Dubbogo Community,

The release V1.1.0 RC2 vote finished, We’ve received

+1 binding, victory [shenglic...@gmail.com]

+1 binding, Ian Luo [ian....@gmail.com]

+1 binding, YunKun Huang [hty...@gmail.com]

The vote and result thread:


The vote passed. Thanks all.

Best regards,

The Apache Dubbogo Team

victory <shenglic...@gmail.com> 于2019年9月27日周五 上午11:41写道:

> +1
> I checked the following items:
> [√] Do LICENSE and NOTICE files exists?
> [√] Is the LICENSE and NOTICE text correct?
> [√] Is the NOTICE year correct?
> [√] Do all source files have ASF headers?
> [√] Do the contents of the release match with what's tagged in version
> control?
> [√] Can you compile from source?
> I could compile successfully but there's failed units test.  I run the unit
> test refer to :https://github.com/apache/dubbo-go#running-unit-tests .
> But I think it is not matter, the test can be fixed in next release.
> I vote with:
> [√] +1 release the software
> [ ] +0 not sure if it should be released
> [ ] -1 don’t release the software because...

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