
   - 根据实际使用场景提炼第一期需求;
   - 确定开发人员;


   - 对服务暴露控制(暴露的黑白名单,通过规则识别 dubbo 服务是否对外暴露);
   - 完善的路由规则;
   - 支持 HTTP 反向代理;
   - 完善的插件机制,可以根据业务场景自定义扩展;
   - 稳定性保障;
   - 可观测性(优先 metric 和日志);

------ English ------Topic

   - Refine requirements for the first phase based on actual usage
   - Pick up the developers;

Requirements for the first phase

   - Control of Service exposure (black and white list of exposures,
   identifying whether dubbo services are exposed by rules);
   - Perfect routing rules;
   - Support HTTP reverse proxy;
   - Complete plug-in mechanism that can be customized for business
   - Stability guarantee;
   - Observability (preferred Metric and logging);

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