Hi community!

We're the maintainers of Apache APISIX <https://github.com/apache/apisix>.
To better present how our community grows, we develop a tool to show
contributors growing history on https://github.com/api7/contributor-graph.
Since we found it helpful, we think maybe if it could help some other



Basically, it just shows the contributors growth over time. All of the
procedures are running on GCP, and it would automatically update the graph
each day, so the link would always present the real-time data. There is
some other stuff to play around
<https://www.apiseven.com/en/contributor-graph> with if you would like to
give it a try~


We use Github API to get all commits, try to find the “Github way” to
filter commits so the result data would be similar to Github, and then get
the first commit time of each contributor.

As @chickenlj suggested, we could add a same graph to all dubbo related
repos, just like what we do to apache openwhisk
<https://openwhisk.apache.org/community.html>. One question is which repo
list could I use. On the community page on dubbo website, there lists 16
repos (plus dubbo main repo it would be 17). While on the apache list
<https://github.com/apache?q=dubbo>, there are 28 in total. Which one
should I choose?

Besides I noticed that some contributors might miss after migration from
svn to git (at around 2017). I could try to add contributors from svn log
if needed. What do you think about that? And is community page on dubbo
website is the good place to place this issue?

Don't hesitate to tell us if there is a better place to present this graph
other than this, or there are some other worries or other features you
would like to have~🍻

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