Hi, Alex,
    IMO, if apache/dubbo-go-pixiu project want to apache/pixiu project, it 
should be voted to an incubating project and then named incubator-pixiu.After a 
period of time graduating from Apache Incubator to a TLP, finally it's 


Kimm King(kimmk...@apache.org/kimmk...@163.com)
Apache Dubbo&ShardingSphere PMC Member
github&twitter: kimmking

At 2021-10-18 14:21:04, "stocks alex" <alexsto...@apache.org> wrote:
>Hi, all
>As we dubbo-go community plans t o add more features for the proj
>apache/dubbo-go-pixiu to let it become a sidecar, such as event mesh/db
>mesh, and it also has the ability to communicate with gRPC/SpringCloud, its
>ability is more than Dubbo.
>When I communicate with our users, I spend a lot of time to let them know
>apache/dubbo-go-pixiu is  not confined in Dubbo. The function of Pixiu is
>beyond Dubbo now.   So I suggest that we should rename its name from
>apache/dubbo-go-pixiu to apache/pixiu.

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