After some google search about this problem i saw a github issue with a
developper having the same problem

>From what I understand this issue has been fixed so for which reason do you
guys think i still have the problem ?

Thanks for your help !

Le jeu. 14 avr. 2022 à 16:01, Daniel SAWAN <> a écrit :

> I am using fastjson without importing the
> maven dubbo-serialization-fastjson pom. Seems like it is included in Dubbo.
> My consumer url is
> : 
> reference.setUrl("dubbo://"+vpsIp+":20880/"+interfaceName+"?token=1234567&serialization=fastjson");
> So as you can see i put the serialization directly in the URL because i
> didn't find a way to configure it in java. (if you can help on this...)
> "I think the the exception happened on the provider side when trying to
> deserialize raw json data to java bean."
> That's exactly what is happening.
> "FastjsonObjectInput#readObject(Class<T> cls, Type type)"
> This method is never called. The called method is "public <T> T
> readObject(Class<T> cls)"
> here is some screenshots to show you what is happening :
> and finally when the error happen :
> So yes it seems like when using fastjson it got a Map of JSONObject
> instead of a List of OperatingSystemVersion.
> If i remove from the consumer url the param serialization=fastjson
> everything work fine.
> Le jeu. 14 avr. 2022 à 15:11, Jun Liu <> a écrit :
>> Are you using fastjson as the default serialization protocol there? Say
>> by using ‘dubbo-serialization-fastjson’?
>> I think the the exception happened on the provider side when trying to
>> deserialize raw json data to java bean. Would you please set a breakpoint
>> at the following place to try to debug and see the exact type of the second
>> argument ’type’?
>>   FastjsonObjectInput#readObject(Class<T> cls, Type type)
>> I guess it’s because the autoType feature has been disabled in the latest
>> several fastjson releases for security reasons.
>> Jun
>> > On Apr 8, 2022, at 11:20 PM, Daniel SAWAN <>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > client side error :
>> > Caused by: org.apache.dubbo.remoting.RemotingException:
>> > autoType is not support.
>> > java.lang.ClassCastException
>> >
>> > Seems like instead of sending a List<User> dubbo client is sending a
>> > List<JSONObject> to Dubbo server.

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