Some files contain not only PHONE_NUMBER, but also SSN or USER_NAME. For these 
files, we need multi-value attributes.

And yes I think use "contains" is  a more general way to detect Sensitive Type. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Zhang, Edward (GDI Hadoop) [mailto:yonzh...@ebay.com] 
Sent: Friday, December 04, 2015 1:18 PM
To: dev@eagle.incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: Sensitive Type

That is a very good question and common problem with multi-value attribute. 
Daniel, could you give us one concrete example of multiple sensitive types for 
a single file.

SensitiveType attribute itself supports multi value with each value segmented 
by vertical bar ³|², for example if one file is marked to be 2 sensitive types, 
i.e. PHONE_NUMBER and CUSTOMER_INFO, then the field value could be 
But we need look at how to write the policy if we want to detect any access to 
file/folder with one sensitive type.

If we want to alert against any access to PHONE_NUMBER file/folder, then the 
policy would be str:contains(sensitivityType, ŒPHONE_NUMBER¹) instead of 
sensitivityType==ŒPHONE_NUMBER¹, or probably regular expression is better.

The other graceful way is to write a Siddhi plugin which handles comparison 
against multi-value attribute. Let me your thoughts.


On 12/4/15, 12:25, "Daniel Zhou" <daniel.z...@dataguise.com> wrote:

>Hi all,
>Is it possible for me to mark  one  file/folder with multiple 
>"Sensitive Type"?

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