Here is an example:
 select * insert into outputStream;

-----Original Message-----
From: Zhang, Edward (GDI Hadoop) [] 
Sent: Friday, February 05, 2016 4:11 PM
Subject: Re: Policy based on sensitive types stops working if there are too 
many sensitive items

can you please show one policy? I thought it would be because policy itself is 
too complicated for engine to parse and evaluate


On 2/5/16, 15:46, "Daniel Zhou" <> wrote:

>Hi all,
>Anyone test eagle's performance in this situation?
>1.       large amount (Eg: 2000) sensitive items are stored in Hbase
>table "fileSensitivity"
>2.       create policies  based on sensitive Types.
>I am asking this question  because it seems that  policy based on 
>sensitive types stops working if there are too many sensitive items 
>Here is what I did:
>At first I created about 20 HDFS policies based on 20 sensitive types,
>such as "creditCard", "PhoneNumber", etc,   and in table
>"fileSensitivity" there were  10 sensitive entries, alerts were 
>triggered when I did hdfs operation on these sensitive items.
>Then I inject 1700 sensitive items into table "fileSensitivity"  by 
>calling Eagle's API, after that I operated on sensitive items through 
>Hadoop terminal, alerts CAN NOT be triggered.
>Notice that at that time, policies based on attributes such as "src", 
>"dest" still work.
>To fix that,
>I delete table "fileSensitivity" and create a new one with same name, 
>this time I only inject 5 items into the table. Then 20 HDFS policies 
>start to work again.
>So I'm wondering is it a performance issue?
>My  cluster contains two machines, both are:
>Centos6,  4 cores, 15.58 GB RAM,  50G Disk (20% used), 

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