Hi Daniel,

I did the below test and I was able to receive the messages in consumer. 
Infact, I also tried below steps with toic ‘sandbox_hdfs_audit_log’ and was 
able to see my test messages.

Still I don’t see the HDFS policy alerts in eagle


From: Daniel Zhou [mailto:daniel.z...@dataguise.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 5:28 PM
To: dev@eagle.incubator.apache.org; Nagalkar, Sanjay Contractor
Subject: RE: Policy Alerts are not generated in Eagle

Hi, Nagalkar

Could you check if your Kafka works ? Use these steps:

1.       Create a topic:

bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 
--partitions 1 --topic test

2.       Check if topic  “test” is created:

bin/kafka-topics.sh --list --zookeeper localhost:2181

3.       Open a terminal and use producer to send message:

bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list hostname:6667 --topic test

// then type some messages

4.       Open another terminal and see if consumer get the message:

bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic test 

// check if messages received
If no messages received, you need to double check the setting of Kafka.


From: Nagalkar, Sanjay Contractor [mailto:sanjay.nagal...@ssa.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 1:58 PM
To: 'dev@eagle.incubator.apache.org' 
Subject: FW: Policy Alerts are not generated in Eagle


just wondering if there is any update on this issue I reported earlier .

Below is the detailed information about the  encountered issue and the 
configuration made in  our eagle setup:

We are planning to implement some tool for  sensitive data  monitoring /audit 
and for this purpose , I am exploring Eagle to see if it fits our requirements. 
My goal is play with eagle in Horton works sandbox environment and once 
comfortable then  move to production.

I have followed the Eagle user guide  and  had setup Horton works sandbox   and 
 eagle service as instructed in the User Docs. (I did not use the Ambari 
plug-in for eagle as I had some issue with it so I am starting eagle services 
manually from command line).

I have configured  HIVE and HDFS policies but I am not seeing any Alerts 
generated for data access by these policy.

For HDFS policy –
I have setup policy for /tmp/private file access but here I am receiving error 
while writing to KAFKA topic.

I am getting "connection Refused" error.

I have a Kafka topic 'Sandbox_hdfs_audit_log' and hdfs action events are not 
logged into this topic. when I view kafka.out , I see

ERROR Exception emitting metrics - 

I have verified that the Kafka broker is up and configured ( Pls. see below log 
screenshots )

For HIVE policy -
 I have setup Hive policy for PHONE_NUMBER field setup. When I use hive from 
Horton works Sandbox and  execute the HIVE queries against XADEMO schema to 
select PHONE_NUMBER field, Eagle is not generating any alerts for accessing 

Pls. click below link to see  document outlining steps for HIVE query and eagle 


Please let me know if you  need more information on this.

Your help with this is very much appreciated.

Sanjay Nagalkar
Ph: 410-371-3299

On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 12:55 PM, Nagalkar, Sanjay Contractor 
<sanjay.nagal...@ssa.gov<mailto:sanjay.nagal...@ssa.gov>> wrote:


I am having issues generating policy alerts for Apache Eagle.

I have configured Hive and HDFS  policies as per the instructions in the Eagle 
DOCS but I am not seeing any alerts for my Hive and HDFS policy.

I am executing HIVE queries against XADEMO schema to pull PHONE_NUMBER field 
via HDP sandbox and I was expecting to see some alerts for  this data access in 
eagle. However,  I have no policy alerts .

Similar situation with HDFS file access. No alerts for /tmp/private file access.

Please let me know if there is  something that I am missing.


Sanjay Nagalkar

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