I am seeing a few JIRA cases which are basically just check-in comments. They 
are created just before the commit, they explain what was done in the commit, 
do not explain why, do not link to any previous or future work.

An example of this is EAGLE-378. It arrives a couple of days after I had a 
conversation with Michael [1] about cleaning up included jars, yet it seems to 
be doing exactly the opposite.

Is the Eagle project operating commit-then-review or review-then-commit? It 
seems to be operating commit-then-review, but if so, there’s not enough 
information in the public record for people to review what is happening.

As my math teacher used to say: don’t just write down the answer, you need to 
show your working!


[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/EAGLE-378 

[2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/EAGLE-377 

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