Hi eCharts Team,

I was just working on making a line graph with a series of data (multiple
different lines on the same graph) and wanted to make it so when I hover
over a line, the line will increase in width, and when I am not hovering
over it, the line will return to its original width.

I'm using echarts-for-react and so far am trying to use mouseover and
mouseout events, however when I do this and hover over the lines, it works
for a few seconds but then will begin to lag the page a lot.

lineOnMouseOver = (e) => {
let datasets = this.chartReference.current.props.option.series;
datasets[e.componentIndex].lineStyle.width = 2;

lineOnMouseOut = (e) => {
let datasets = this.chartReference.current.props.option.series;
datasets[e.componentIndex].lineStyle.width = 0.5;

Is there any other way to achieve this effect?

Kind regards,
Andrew Zhang

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