Hello Guys,

I have decided write here first instead raise an issue on GitHub, cause it
may be known problem. In our company we are developing application using
Apache Royale. We have started using echarts to display quite large amount
of data statistics. One of our client notified us that on his Safar after 5
minutes from opening tab with mentioned chart he is seeing following
notification [1] - We are considering this as a bug somewhere in echarts.

I'm able to reproduce this issue - It's enough if I open tab in our app
with chart and wait - without any interaction with application - after some
time I'm getting [1].

I have spend some time to profiling opened chart on my Windows machine and
discovered that there are constant call of "requestAnimateFrame" which
being reported in Chrome as "Violation" [2].

What's more when we use that tab a bit longer chart is slowing down and
usability is starting to be less and less pleasant.

I'm not sure what kind of information do you need to have a look into an
issue or maybe this is well known problem. - Just let me know and I will
try to provide it.

I have found following issue in GH [3]

[1] https://prnt.sc/vkmytz
[2] https://prnt.sc/vkn5zu
[3] https://github.com/apache/incubator-echarts/issues/6302


Piotr Zarzycki

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