Hi Yi,

Thanks for the reply. I had given `registerPostUpdate` a try, but on the
very first rendering, it will still execute before the yAxisView has
rendered and `getBoundingRect` returns width and height of 0. The reason
why I can't easily calculate the offset manually is because our app allows
users to configure the number of axes and the metric used in each axis. In
this "data exploration" mode, the required offset and width of each axis
can change quite a bit based on things like the label formatting and the
axis extent.

In an ideal world, we'd have some sort of `auto` offset with some small gap
between each axis, but or now, I was able to achieve what I'm looking for
using `chart.on('finished', handler)` + setOption. It's working well for
me, but I have to make sure I use lazyUpdate for setOption when I calculate
the offset of each axis based on the offset of the axis to the left.

I'll try and follow with a reply that contains a GIF to show the result of
what I did.



On Mon, Mar 1, 2021 at 4:00 AM Yi Shen <shenyi....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Jonathan,
> echarts is rendered synchronously after `setOption`. So you can always use
> `view.group.getBoundingRect` to get the bounds after `setOption`.
> Or if you wan't to do it before rendering to canvas. There is a stage post
> update that can be extended by `registerPostUpdate`.
> But I will suggest you calculating the right offset according to the axis
> number and maximum width of the axis labels, which I think is not hard to
> get if the result is not required to be very accurate.
> Regards
> On Mon, Feb 22, 2021 at 10:33 PM Jonathan Avila <avilajonat...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Echart Dev Team,
>> I'm working on a chart that will have a dynamic number of y axis
>> positioned
>> to the right. I want to be able to set the right offset for each axis to
>> avoid label overlap, but I would like to avoid setting a fixed number for
>> the offset to maximize the available space.
>> My first attempt was to try and use `echarts.registerVisual` function to
>> get the ComponentView and then get its width and height with
>> `view.group.getBoundingRect()`. Unfortunately, the method will execute
>> before the axis view has rendered, so the boundingRect will have width 0
>> and height 0. Do you guys have any suggestions on how I could proceed? Is
>> there a way that I listen for a render event on an component view or
>> perhaps some zRender event that I can try?
>> Thanks,
>> Jonathan
> --
> Yi Shen
> Apache ECharts(incubating) PMC

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