Hello Everyone,

I have an important question/feature asking for Echarts.

In our case, we have to works with many timezones to show our time series in 
specific client timezone. This timezone is different than the default 
system/browser timezone.

If I understand how Echarts works, we only manipulate dates in UTC or in system 
timezone. In that case, the axes interval, labels, … are wrong in our case.

I fix the problem of dates format in specific timezone using 
xAxis.axisLabel.formatter but I have already a problem to set correct intervals 
using correct timezone. Your options works only with category axis.

This is really important for us.

I made an issue here : https://github.com/apache/echarts/issues/14453 

Thank you in advance for your help

Best regards

Développeur Fullstack Senior | Fullstack Developper Senior 
T. +33 (0)5 87 03 80 59
E. benjamin.be...@aquassay.com <mailto:benjamin.be...@aquassay.com>
A. 31 rue du Châtenet 87410 Le Palais-sur-Vienne

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