Version : 5.2.1 

Hi to all, 

I use echarts5 and echarts-graph-modularity 2.0 . 
I can't have in graphs edge color using this steps 

lineStyle: { 
color: 'source', 

or color : 'target' 

If you look the exemple in echarts-graph-modularity 2.0 you can see thet the 
"colors" are wrongs. 
Compare the same exemple file with the precedent echarts-graph-modularity : in 
that case the color of the edge is the color of node source (or target). 
What is expected? 

I espect to have colors for edges using source or target node color What is 
actually happening? 

Actually the edge color is a "general" color 

Best regards 

Pier Luigi ROSSI, IRD France 

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