Hi Jiang Ye,

Thanks for the invitation. We had great cooperation last year.
We will discuss this year's invitation and get back to you later.



On Thu, Mar 24, 2022 at 11:45 AM 江叶 <jian...@data-viz.cn> wrote:

>  Dear Ovilia and Apache ECharts PMC,
> Hope this email finds you well. We would like to express our sincere 
> gratitude to you and Apache ECharts for supporting the China Data Content 
> Competition last year.
>  " China Data Content Competition" changed its name to "China Data Content of 
> Year 2022 ",and it will be launched on April 13, 2022.
> We’re writing to invite Apache ECharts to provide technical support for 
> entries who take part in the China Data Content of Year 2022. Please kindly 
> find attached the invitation, event description, and benefits display.
> Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you!
> 羡辙老师:您好
>         感谢您及Apache
> ECharts,在2021年对中国数据内容大赛会的支持。“中国数据内容大赛”今年更名为“2022年中国数据内容年度案例征集”。今天诚邀Apache
> ECharts作为2022年中国数据内容年度案例征集的技术支持单位,为选手提供作品技术支持。邀请函、赛事介绍以及权益展示在附件中,请查收。
>         盼复,祝好!

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