Comments? I whipped this up by updating the last one …


Apache Edgent is a programming SDK and micro-kernel style runtime
that can be embedded in gateways and small footprint edge devices enabling
local, real-time, analytics on the continuous streams of data coming
from equipment, vehicles, systems, appliances, devices and sensors of
all kinds (for example, Raspberry Pis or smart phones). Working in
conjunction with centralized analytic systems, Apache Edgent provides
efficient and timely analytics across the whole IoT ecosystem: from the
center to the edge.

Edgent has been incubating since 2016-02-29.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Create and expand a diverse community of contributors and committers
     around the Edgent project.
  2. Attracting at least another independent committer/ppmc member.
  3. Finding further real world users of Edgent

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

  Community participation, implying interest in Edgent, continues
  to be an issue.  One of the two active committer/PPMC members has
  retired at the end of February and the level of their continuing
  participation is has been significantly reduced since then. The second
  active committer was also very consumed with finishing his house-
  building, which is now finished. So we are hoping to see increased
  activity again.

How has the community developed since the last report?

  * An article on Apache Edgent has been published as cover-story in the
    German JavaSPEKTRUM magazine in March
  * At the Techcamp.Hamburg in April we had one well attended talk about
     Apache Edgent
  * Total, we have 76 subscribers to our mailing list, an increase
    of 4 since the last report.
  * We have seen a new name on the list, which seems to be interested in
    contributing. Especially in the Kafka area. We are hoping to see more
    activity in the near future.

How has the project developed since the last report?

  * We have updated the Kafka module to the latest Kafka version
  * According to JIRA, 2 new issues were added and none were resolved
    in the last 90 days
  * 12 commits were made in the last 90 days.

How would you assess the podling's maturity?

  Edgent is making slow but consistent progress towards graduation. While we
  don't yet meet the diversity requirements, we put emphasis on community
  growth through outreach which will ultimately pave the way for additional
  committers and contributors.

  Additionally, before we graduate it is important that we find users
  outside of IBM. As most Edgent committers are employed by IBM, external
  stakeholders help ensure long term contribution to the project.

  [ ] Initial setup
  [ ] Working towards first release
  [X] Community building
  [ ] Nearing graduation
  [ ] Other:

Date of last release:

  2017-12-14  Apache Edgent 1.2.0

When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

  In August 2017, we added Christofer Dutz as a new committer
  and PPMC member.


  [ ](edgent) Daniel Debrunner
  [ ](edgent) Luciano Resende
  [ ](edgent) Justin Mclean
  [ ](edgent) John D. Ament

IPMC/Shepherd notes:


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