Guillaume Nodet wrote:
Hi everybody !

We 're considering building the next version of ServiceMix (
on top of OSGI, and Felix sounds like a natural choice.
I've downloaded the code and build it and discussed a bit with Carlos at
JavaOne who told me
about the new plugins.
So I've written a few osgi bundles (
that are quite redundant with the MOSGi work. However when trying to work
on a bundle for a JNDI implementation
based on xbean-naming, i have problems where the needed classes (the jndi
initial factory class) are not available from
the client osgi bundle. Is there any way to solve this problem ? I don't
really want to import the needed package
in all the bundles :-(

I suppose there are ugly ways to solve it. You could put that stuff on the class path and set boot class path delegation. You could have your clients dynamically import "*". However, both of these approaches are not very good.

If your clients just need to use a JNDI service, you could have a JNDI bundle that published a JNDI service into the service registry and client bundles could look up the JNDI service in there, rather than trying to create their own.

Just some thoughts off the top of my head...perhaps other people have more experience with it.

Btw, the MOSGi work seems nice, but there are some references to things not
checked in.  Is this part still
maintain ? Can someone check in the needed modules or I can provide a patch
to remove these references.

Stephane Frenot is developing it, feel free to bug him. :-)

-> richard

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