On Saturday 21 July 2007 01:34, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

> We could also use the maven release plugin to do all the work for us.
> Together with the gpg plugin it creates all necessary artifacts, signs
> them etc.

Yes, releasing large number of Maven artifacts without the help of the release 
plugin is pain in many unspoken places...

However, AFAIK, the release plugin does not support a "staging", "release 
candidate" or similar repo, so that one can publish to the non-official final 
destination, for review and votes. And we can't upload until after the vote.

But I would be interested to learn how to leverage the release plugin. Below 
is an explanation of what I would have in mind.

1. Each maven artifact extends a parent named "org.apache.felix:candidate".

2. That parent defines all the upload locations to some staging area on 
people.apache.org, and tagging the sources into a similar area in SVN.

3. One executes a "mvn release:prepare/perform" on TRUNK, and things is made 
available for review.

4. The vote is executed.

5. If it passes, one modifies the "candidate branch" in SVN and replaces 
the "candidate" parent to a "org.apache.felix:final" pom.

6. That pom has the tagging and uploading set to the final resting place in 
both SVN, artifacts uploads, tar ball uploads and documentation (if any).


In fact, this is of strong interest to the entire ASF, and I would like to 
hear from Carlos how Maven itself does it, since they have this problem at a 
grand scale.

Niclas Hedhman, Software Developer

I  live here; http://tinyurl.com/2qq9er
I  work here; http://tinyurl.com/2ymelc
I relax here; http://tinyurl.com/2cgsug

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