Hi Clement,
Hope you don't mind but may be interesting to know that at ops4j we
developed an Eclipse plugin called Pax Cursor (based on Pax Runner) that
makes deploying of bundles into Felix (both versions till now and the ones
to come) quite trivial: http://wiki.ops4j.org/confluence/x/0QBN


On Dec 21, 2007 10:48 AM, Clement Escoffier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi all,
> I wrote two pages about the Felix integration inside Eclipse. The first
> one
> was written one year ago, and was clearly not up to date. It explained how
> to install the Felix trunk inside Eclipse. After Felix was released, I
> write
> a second page explaining how to integration the Felix release. So to avoid
> this duplicated page, I merge them this morning, and delete the oldest
> one.
> Clement
> --
> Clement Escoffier
> Grenoble University
> +33 (0) 4 76 51 40 24
> http://clement.plop-plop.net

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