Karl Pauls wrote:

I have a couple of points inline.

 > I don't necessarily have any issues with releasing the bundles you
 > mention below, but main and framework are more complicated since we have
 > started committing stuff to them that should not be released yet. Thus,
 > to release them we would have to create a branch from the old 1.0.3
 > release. Seems like a lot of effort just for a recompile.

That's my feeling as well. Do you really need a 1.3 compatible release
right now (i.e., it's not enough to just recompile it locally and use
that one)?

 > -> richard

 I don't think that the effort for recompiling main and framework will be
 too big, because we can branch from the old release. My concern in case
 of the branching is: where do we are going to store them on the SVN repo?

Releases are stored in the releases dir in svn:


 IMHO, I think that will be a general issue related to maintaining old
 release while developing new one. I think that a new area on the SVN is
 needed for such cases.

We already have one unless you are talking about a branch area which
we don't have because as of now we didn't need to and just waited
until the trunk is stable enough to release. I don't really like
branches unless they are unavoidable because of compatibility issues.

Yes I was speaking about the branches that you don't like :P

 >> I'm asking because I'm willing to create release artifact for review
 >> for the following artifact:
 >>  - org.osgi.core-1.0.1
 >>  - org.osgi.compendium-1.0.1

Did we say we want to change the version schema for core and
compendium to osgi_version-our_version?

I thought to release a fix version for compendium and core before renaming to the new schema, but you are right we can start to use the new schema from now. I will call a vote on that :)

 >>  - shell-1.0.1
 >>  - shell.tui-1.0.1
 >>  - javax.servlet-1.0.1
 >>  - main-1.0.4
 >>  - framework-1.0.4

Well, ultimately I'm not against releasing the artifacts but I don't
really want to make them a 1.0.4. Probably best to go with something
like because they really didn't change. However, I really
don't want to do it unless it is something you really need right away.

What about asking on dev and users mailing-list?

Finally, isn't it enough to just recompile the releases and vote again
on the binaries only? Then we can just put the binaries into maven, we
don't have to branch, and we're done, no?

For me there is no problem in releasing again only the binaries, but keep in mind that at least the pom.xml will be changed for the above artifact and if you change the version of shell or shell.tui even main/conf/config.properties must be changed.



 >> Ciao,
 >> Stefano "Kismet" Lenzi

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