(not binding)

I'm wondering about two facts related to this artifacts:

1. Are this bundle you are talking about 4.0.0 or 4.0.1 ?
2. Please don't mind but why is Felix required to have it's own
artifacts for this bundles? Are they different then the ones from OSGi
Alliance? If the are not why not someone just upload the osgi alliance
ones on maven central repo with a packaging like:
I recall discussing this with Peter K and he had nothing against this
but he was not familiar enough with Maven to do it by itself.
And even if Felix is replacing some parts (maybe FrameworkUtil?) Felix
still can use the ones from central repo and replace the parts the
need with the Felix specific ones by using bundle plugin.

Just wondering,

On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 12:56 AM, Stefano Lenzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
>  As discussed on the thread:
>  http://www.mail-archive.com/dev@felix.apache.org/msg03733.html
>  A new version schema for org.osgi.* module has been proposed. The new
>  version schema is the one already in use by the Apache Felix Common
>  subproject.
>  For example if the new version schema will be approved the already
>  released artifact org.osgi.core:1.0.0, org.osgi.compedium:1.0.0, and
>  org.osgi.foundation:1.0.0 will be re-released as
>  org.osgi.core:4.0.0-001, org.osgi.compedium:4.0.0-001, and
>  org.osgi.foundation:4.0.0-001 respectively.
>  So please cast your votes
>  [ ] +1 Use new version schema for org.osgi.* module
>  [ ]  0 Don't care.
>  [ ] -1 Keep the old name schema
>  Vote will run for *72hrs* - only PMC votes will be binding, but anyone
>  can vote
>  Ciao,
>  Stefano "Kismet" Lenzi

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