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Hello to all,

the osgi-deployment-maven-plugin has now a web-page under

There one can find a little documentation and some examples how to use
the plugin to create OSGi Deployment-Packages.

Also the plugin is now synchronized with official maven repositories

Have fun!

Kind regards,

Siamak Haschemi

Siamak Haschemi schrieb:
> Hello to all,
> I just want you to know that I started the development of a maven plugin
> to create OSGi Deployment-Packages.
> The project is hosted at SourceForge:
> https://sourceforge.net/projects/mvn-dp-plugin/
> The users mailing-list can be found under:
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/mvn-dp-plugin-users
> The current version (0.1.1) has following features:
> - Creating a Deployment-Package jar from a maven project (with
> packaging-type pom)
> - Inclusion of referenced bundles
> - Inclusion of referenced additional resources (for example
> configuration files)
> - Support for Localization resources (l10n)
> - Support for Customizer-Bundles
> - Comes with a few default parameters (which will be taken from the pom)
> which can be overwritten fine-grained
> - The directory structure of the resulting Deployment-Package jar can be
> controlled
> - Validation of all manifest entries (like bundle-version,
> bundle-SymbolicName, etc.)
> - Contains only dependencies to maven infrastructure
> - Tested with Felix OSGi and Felix Deplyoment-Admin implementation
> This features are missing and will (hopefully) be added in the future:
> - Project Web-Site
> - Documentation & Examples
> - Adding releases of the plugin into an official maven repository
> - Signing
> - Ant-Task
> - Integration into the Eclipse IDE
> - command-line usage
> Kind regards,
> Siamak Haschemi
> Siamak Haschemi schrieb:
>> Hello Stuart,
>> it would be great to start such a thing!
>> Stuart McCulloch schrieb:
>>> On 05/03/2008, Siamak Haschemi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hello to all,
>>> is someone currently working on a maven-deployment-plugin to produce
>>> OSGi Deployment Packages (*.dp) (like specified in the OSGi Service
>>> Platform Service Compendium, Release 4, Version 4.1, Sec. 114)?
>>>> Hi Siamak,
>>>> as Christian said, I don't know of one yet - but it would be useful
>>>> If no, where should I start?
>>>> I have a fair bit of experience writing Maven plugins so I can help
>>>> out with any mojo/dependency questions 
>> That's great since I'm new in Maven Plugin development.
>> - I'm trying to find out
>>>> if we could start this work over at another site (where you could
>>>> get committer rights straight away) and bring it over to the Felix
>>>> site once the design has stabilized...
>>>> Looking at the maven-bundle-plugin is naturally, but I am insecure if I
>>> should base on the bndlib to use the several classes like "Jar" and
>>> "Manifest" or if such a extended classpath traversing and dependency
>>> checking is needless.
>>>> personally I'd start coding on creating the deployment package
>>>> from a minimal set of information (passed in via Java interfaces)
>>>> because then it's easy to provide different ways to generate the
>>>> information (manual list, dependency analysis, etc...)
>> I need more explanation on this, but we could also move this to an other
>> place...
>>>> you might also want to look at the maven-assembly-plugin which
>>>> is the standard maven approach for producing distributions from
>>>> maven projects - might be able to re-use ideas / components
>> Thank you for this hint! I will look deeper into Plugin development.
>> Anyway, I started to develop a plugin for deployment based on the felix
>> maven-bundle-plugin. I have to play around with the maven framework :-)
>> Kind regards,
>> Siamak Haschemi
>>>> HTH
>>>> Any hints?
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Siamak Haschemi
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