I am not sure if everyone has noticed, but I have tried to re-arrange the documentation section of our web site to make it a little easier to find things. It is not perfect now, but I think it is much better than before.

One thing that I did that I would like to call to everyone's attention to is the new FAQ organization. I think that FAQs are important, so I tried to highlight them. Originally, we had one centralize FAQ, but I thought this was confusing. So I have currently broken it in two:

   * General OSGi FAQ
   * Framework-specific FAQ

The top-level FAQ now simply points to these FAQs, which are located in their appropriate areas on the web site. I encourage other sub-projects to follow suit and create FAQs in their own documentation areas and link them into the main FAQ.

Further, I encourage people to recommend questions to the various FAQs so that we can make them more useful...I have added two questions over the last few days, but there must be many more. (I created a new "Documentation" component in JIRA that can help us here.)


-> richard

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