Craig Phillips wrote:
I've been looking in to Newton... Some one put a lot of work into it..
My sandbox hosts a bundle providing a service and a shell command to
publish and retrieve references with
Karl and Rick have done some work with mDNS too
* Karl Pauls and Richard S. Hall, /Eureka - A Resource Discovery
Service for Component Deployment/,
André Bottaro
( is
preparing his PhD thesis on "distributed OSGi".
Kind regards
Remark: UPnP Base Driver provides a mean to publish and discover
OSGi-based UPnP services in an adhoc network
From: Marcel Offermans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sat 6/28/2008 5:47 AM
Subject: Re: Distributed OSGi/Network Service Discovery
Hello Dieter,
On Jun 28, 2008, at 2:09 , Dieter Wimberger wrote:
I have been reading a bit about the distributed OSGi efforts, and I
wondered about two things:
1) Isn't network service discovery an essential element?
(With network service discovery, I am talking about what's done
through protocols like SLP, mDNS etc.)
It is.
2) Is there any effort to standardize such service discovery
services into an OSGi service specification?
i.e. property based network service discovery service independent of
the actual protocol that is used?
Such an effort is indeed underway for quite some time now.
I personally think it does make sense to have such an abstraction,
because it could shield bundles from protocol details and the actual
implementation that is being used at a specific site.
Me too, doing distributed OSGi is not rocket science in the sense that
there are not that many different ways to do it, but standardization
helps a lot to prevent slightly incompatible solutions here.
If you want to learn a bit more about it, check out the following links:
Those should give you an idea of what the upcoming spec will contain.
Especially the Iona blog is worth reading because they are part of the
expert group. I talked to them in Berlin and it seems they are ironing
out the final details.
Greetings, Marcel
Laboratoire LIG, Equipe ADELE
Universite Joseph Fourier
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