Hi Craig, good morning.

I don't know it this is what you're expecting.

Felix's Web Console registers a simple ManagedService:



Pedro Pedruzzi | V2COM

On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 9:33 AM, Craig Phillips
> Hi, Good Morning,
> I fretted about making such a post until I had somewhat exhausted the
> possible ways on my own to grab educational material of some form...
> I am looking for exemplary code and/or tutorial based material on how to
> use the config admin service and, basically, do configuration of [my]
> bundle the proper OSGi prescribed way...
> I do have the R4 compendium spec up and it's decent (I really feel like
> the folks did a great job on the spec... I have been trying to read
> through these, page by page, and they are very well done, IMO); But, the
> spec isn't quite a tutorial/hello-world... there was a snippet in there
> about the ManagedServiceFactory, but I am looking just to implement a
> very simple ManagedService;
> I downloaded the felix config admin source code, hoping to find
> "trunk/examples" but it only had a few junit-test constructs...
> I also googled around a bit for a few hours... I did try out the
> 'net.luminis.cmc-0.2.1.jar' and it looks quite useful; However, I'm
> still trying to put a full thread together with a sample bundle, from a
> sample MyBundleConfig.xml and one or two config properties to having the
> service load this up and pass it through to my bundle...
> Yeah, I could probably just look for a jvm property (e.g.,
> -Dmy.config.item="someConfigValue"), but I'd rather try to do it by way
> of the prescribed OSGi configuration paradigm a la configAdmin
> service...
> If someone has a sample code snippet or two, or maybe a little cheat
> sheet or something, I'd be greatly appreciative (as always, this is a
> great felix and osgi resource here, and the people are very helpful)...
> Sincerely, Craig Phillips, Praxis

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