FYI, we have two issues for core and compendium:

-> richard

Alin Dreghiciu wrote:
Hi guys,

Are there any plans when Felix will implement the 4.1.0 OSGi core
specs? For me important will be the added method
Bundle.getBundleContext() which is anyhow already implemented by felix
but not exposed by API. Maybe a first (easy) step would be to use and
export the framework 1.4 packages (instead of 1.3) as AFAYK there are
no incompatible changes between the two versions.
As for the other additions like "Activation Policies" I do not think
that they are so common use so I simple time being implementation can
be that an warning is given that Felix does not support them.

If you think this is possible I can work on it and provide a patch.

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