Niclas Hedhman wrote:
On Thursday 31 July 2008 18:20, Sahoo wrote:

Thanks for getting back quickly. Can it please happen by end of August?

AFAICT, Felix is most of the time in a stable state, and you can cut your own intermediate release pretty easily.

Niclas is correct. I never try to commit anything to the framework unless it is stable. However, the current level of fragment support is stable, but not complete enough to be reasonably useful (in particular, it does not handle update/refresh correctly). I have a commit in my workspace that hooks the current level of fragment support into the update/refresh process, but I am waiting to clean up a few things before I commit it. Hopefully, it will land in the trunk this week.

At that point, then you could follow Niclas' advice and roll your own if we are not ready. But, I expect that we should be pretty close to that timeframe (i.e., end of Aug/beginning of Sept) on our release. I was debating how much we should put in before doing a release, but we can just freeze the features sooner so we can try to get the release out sooner.

Perhaps the better question is, what level of fragment support do you need? After my next commit, it should be fairly stable to use fragments to extend the bundle class path of a host bundle and work properly with update/refresh. It will not, however, work with native libraries yet, nor the entry-related methods, nor be able to import/export. If you read the related bug, you can see my proposed plan of attach, which is pretty much implementing things in this order.

So, if you have a specific need, now is the time to speak up.

-> richard


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