my guess would be it's the objectmanagment class that can not be found by the classloader of the Foo class :-)



Am 01.08.2008 um 17:31 schrieb "Jackson, Bruce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Yes, the code in ObjectFactory is basically:

public static Object getObject(Class clazz) {

obj= Proxy.newProxyInstance(clazz.getClassLoader(), new Class[] {clazz, ObjectManagement.class}, new Invoker(clazz, id, tableName));
   return obj;

That's throws a ClassNotFoundException, I assume, because clazz (declared in B and not imported explicitly in A) is not loadable from with A.

On 01/08/2008 16:25, "Alin Dreghiciu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Do you use Proxy.newProxyInstance?
The first param of this method is a class loader. So, what is the
value you use for that param? In my view you should use the
clazz.getClassLoader that is equal with the class loader that loaded
And it should not matter that you export or not the the package that
contains Foo.

On Fri, Aug 1, 2008 at 5:17 PM, Jackson, Bruce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm not passing any classloader with my class, just the object Foo.class.

The issue is that bundle B (which is the caller to ObjectFactory declared in A) does not export Foo.class, and thus the class loader in A can't see it. Now that's well, and good for most cases since I can always export the package that Foo.class is contained within, and import it in bundle A, but in this case, ObjectFactory becomes rather useless since its trying to offer a generic facility.

I've tried getting the classloader of Foo.class, but that fails in the same way with a ClassNotFoundException. I could go through the pain in B of getting the bytes that make up the class, passing them to ObjectFactory and then doing a defineClass() there, but that seems to be very complex.

On 01/08/2008 16:09, "Alin Dreghiciu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What class loader are you pasing to Proxy.newProxyInstance? You should
pass the one of the class you send as parameter so in your case

On Fri, Aug 1, 2008 at 4:57 PM, Jackson, Bruce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Sorry, I don't think I made myself particularly clear:

I have a bundle "A" which exports a package containing a class (ObjectFactory.class) with the method:

public static Object getObject(Class clazz);

This method creates a dynamic proxy object to be returned to the caller. I have bundles B, C, and D which wish to make use of this class, and which will call it passing an interface, for example:

Foo foo = (Foo) ObjectFactory.getObject(Foo.class);

However, ObjectFactory throws a ClassNotFoundException because Foo.class is not in the import list for bundle A. Is there a way of allowing this?

On 01/08/2008 15:14, "Richard S. Hall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Jackson, Bruce wrote:
Here's a question:

I have a utility class in a bundle which will generate a dynamic proxy as a service to other bundles running inside Felix. Lets call this bundle "A".

Is this possible in Felix/OSGi without having having to explicitly declare
the import of the interface over which A will operate?

Well, you can get access to the interface class definition by calling
Bundle.loadClass() on bundle A without importing from A, so then you
should be able to use that to create the proxy, I would imagine.

-> richard



Alin Dreghiciu - New Energy for OSS Communities - Open
Participation Software. - New Energy for Java - Domain Driven Development. - New Energy for Projects - Great People
working on Great Projects at Great Places

Alin Dreghiciu - New Energy for OSS Communities - Open
Participation Software. - New Energy for Java - Domain Driven Development. - New Energy for Projects - Great People
working on Great Projects at Great Places

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