Apache Felix Board Report


   * Presented iPOJO at the OSGi Community Event in Berlin in June.
   * Added committers Edward Yakop and Makas Lau for Log Service
   * Received a contribution from Dieter Wimberger for a bundle that
     provides simple remote telnet access to the Felix shell.
   * Receiving web site documentation contributions from Richard
     Jackson; Richard has been granted karma to modify the wiki for his


   * Still working on incorporating the new Log Service contribution
     from PAX; largely delayed due to a naming issue and lack of time.
   * Release version 1.2.0 of Felix (includes Framework 1.2.0, Main
     1.2.0, Shell 1.0.2, Shell TUI 1.0.2, Bundle Repository 1.2.0).
     This release marks the first steps toward bundle fragment support
     in Felix, which is one of the last major hurdles to full OSGi R4
     specification compliance; however, there is still plenty of work
     to be done to complete this feature.
   * Released various other subprojects (e.g., iPOJO, UPnP, SCR, Maven
     SCR Plugin, Maven Bundle Plugin, File Install).
   * Working on creating an official bundle repository to make it
     easier for the community to use subprojects.

Licensing and other issues

   * None.

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