
I just applied a patch to trunk that makes the fragment install exception configurable. For details:


I have deployed a new maven snapshot or you can build from trunk if you want to use it.

-> richard

Daniel Rubio wrote:

I hadn't actually tried to upgrade until now, and since some of the bundles I was using were libraries (apache tomcat, jasper compiler,etc) I didn't realize they were fragments until I got this message testing on 1.2!

I believe ignoring fragments in 1.0.4 - or the Fragment-Host directive - simply processed the Import-Package statement and made the fragments classes available as if they were a normal bundle, so that's why it worked.... Inclusively I removed the Fragment-Host from the bundle and the app works in 1.2, so I'm also realizing what is packaged as a fragment didn't actually require being a full-fledged fragment, go figure, but that's for the one's OSGi'fying bundles...

I guess we will leave 1.0.4 in place. If a new release comes out before the last draft revision, that warns about fragments but still loads classes 'as if it were a normal bundle' then I will use that ;) otherwise I will just put a note.

Don't know what the consequence/side effects may be, in my app there didn't seem to be trouble converting a fragment to a bundle just to Import its classes an run the app successfully in 1.2...though there might be trouble in some 'well-designed fragments' that do require not just importing classes but the whole functionality required by the fragment spec (but I guess that's where the warning comes in :-) ).

Richard S. Hall wrote:

Yes, we probably should have made that configurable. Where were you when I was asking about throwing an exception on fragment install? ;-)

I guess the short answer is "no, there is no way to change it". You have two options at this point:

  1. Roll your own release that disables the exception (pretty easy to
     do, I guess I might actually be able to make this configurable in
     trunk and create a new snapshot that will eventually become 1.2.2
     and you could use that for the time being).
  2. Keep using 1.0.4 until we do another release that makes this

I don't see any reason why we couldn't make this configurable, perhaps someone sees something that I don't. The fact that your apps worked at all before I guess was just luck, since we ignored fragments altogether in 1.0.4.

-> richard

Daniel Rubio (OSGI Mailing List) wrote:
I just upgraded to Felix 1.2+ from 1.0.4, only to realize some of my (library) bundles are fragments.

I'm getting a warning that in 1.2 there is partial support for fragments, which I of course appreciate. However, the application now ceases to work since it apparently doesn't import any classes in the fragment.... Is there some way to get things to work as in 1.0.4 and get the warning ? I realize full support for fragments may be well down the road, but is there any plan for a release like 1.0.4 (import class from the fragment ) and getting a warning ?

Thanks for any information on the subject.
Daniel Rubio
P.S- I realize the simple answer is keep using 1.0.4, but the reason for my question is because I'm in the process of writing a book (for Apress on Spring-OSGi) which is using Apache Felix, and some things are already based on the v.1.0.4 and the upgrade to the newer v.1.2 breaks a few of the apps.

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