2009/4/27 Stuart McCulloch <mccu...@gmail.com>

> On 27 Apr 2009, at 05:48, Karl Pauls <karlpa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  I would like to call a vote on the framework and main 1.6.1 subproject
>> releases.
>> The source and binary release archives, signature files, SHA and MD5
>> message digests for each are available as zip and tar.gz here:
>> http://people.apache.org/~pauls/1.6.1<http://people.apache.org/%7Epauls/1.6.1>
>> Additionally, a binary release is included (called felix-1.6.1).
>> Please vote to approve these release archives:
>> [ ] +1 Approve the releases
>> [ ] -1 Veto the releases (please provide specific comments)
> unfortunately -1

Hi Karl,

I'm happy to convert my -1 to a +1 now...

I've written a shell script that you can use to upload your existing release
artifacts to Nexus and have
just committed it to trunk ( see
https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/felix/trunk/stage_existing_artifact.sh )

To use it, go to your directory on p.a.o (ie. inside
http://people.apache.org/~pauls/1.6.1/) and type:

   # if you're cautious run these on a backup of the original folder :)
   sh stage_existing_artifact.sh org.apache.felix.framework-1.6.1
   sh stage_existing_artifact.sh org.apache.felix.main-1.6.1

This should deploy the framework and main artifacts as well as their source
artifacts, assemblies and
signatures to Nexus (feel free to comment out the lines uploading the
assemblies if you just want the
main jar + sources uploaded to Maven)

You can then go to the Nexus repository manager at
https://repository.apache.org and log in - if you
follow the new release process you'll see instructions on how to close the
staging repository. Once
this is done you'll be able to see the staged release at:


when you log into Nexus and select the Felix repo it should show you the
actual numbered URL

   ( I've done a test-run at
https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/felix-staging-004/ )

if you like you can use the check_staged_release.sh script to pull the files
back down for checking:

   cd some/temporary/folder
   sh check_staged_release.sh XYZ

once this vote passes you can copy your local artifacts to "dist" as usual,
then log into the Nexus
repository manager at https://repository.apache.org , select your staging
repository and promote it
to the Releases repository as per the new process...

HTH  (I'll add this to the wiki)

remember I sent a note out about all future releases using the new parent
> pom (which I plan to deploy today)
> not using this pom causes work for the repository team, as they'd have to
> manually upload the release to Nexus (and without this step our artifacts
> won't reach Maven central)
> I'll be closing the parent pom vote and deploying the pom shortly - then
> you can try the new release process :)

Cheers, Stuart

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